Number Chain Puzzles

There are 90 easy puzzles, 90 medium and 90 hard puzzles. The maths required gets gradually harder as you work your way through the puzzles, and ends up using square roots and percentages at the end. This will be suitable for 8-12 year olds.
There are two ways to solve the puzzles: the recommended way is to try and perform all the calculations in your head. However, depending on your ability and age, this may not always be possible. Therefore we have included lots of blank space on each for you to make notes and write down your working out as you go along.
The image at the right of the page shows three easy puzzles, so you might want to take a look at them before deciding whether to buy and seeing how you find them. Remember, try to solve the puzzle in your head if you can before checking with a calculator whether you are right or not! As mentioned above, puzzles get harder as you move through the book, requiring the use of larger numbers and also different operations such as percentages and the occasional square root.
If you are ever unsure of your final answer, we recommend checking it with a calculator to see if you get a puzzle right or wrong. You can work at your own pace - you might want to do a page a day, or you might want to do more!
We hope you enjoy these fun and accessible puzzles that are a great way to develop and work on your mental maths.
To download the Number Chains Puzzle Magazine in PDF format on A4 paper to print off the puzzles you want when you want to play them, all for just £1.97 (UK Pounds) or $3.15 (US Dollars) - click the 'Buy Now' button below: