Summer Holiday Activity Magazine
One of our rare full-colour magazine publications, the Summer holiday activity book is jam packed full of a range of different puzzles for children, guaranteed to make the Summer more fun!
Of course, although many of the puzzles are themed around Summer and the Summer holidays, this book can be enjoyed at any time of the year, and the puzzles can be completed just as well in the depths of Winter as on a sunny beach whilst consuming an ice-cream over the Summer!
This fun activity book for children contains a whole host of different puzzles. These include the following puzzle types and activities:
- Holiday packing list
- Drawing puzzles
- Dot to dot puzzles
- Wordsearch puzzles
- Maths puzzles
- Riddles
- What's the picture maths puzzles
- Hidden word puzzles
- Crosswords
- Hide and seek puzzles
- Finish the picture games
- Number towers
- Sudokus
- Maths squares
- Colouring-in puzzles
- Spot the differences
- Text message puzzles
- Memory test puzzle
- Geography puzzle: where in the world have you been?
- Design your own suitcase
- Hanjie logic/picture puzzle
- Themed mazes
- Cut out and keep picture frame
- Postcard
To download the Summer Holiday Puzzles Activity Magazine in PDF format on A4 paper to print off the puzzles you want when you want to play them, all for just £1.97 (UK Pounds) or $3.15 (US Dollars) - click the 'Buy Now' button below: